We want everyone to enjoy their rowing and club membership; agreeing to a few simple rules should help make this possible.
It is the aim of the club to provide all of its services in a way that is fair to everyone.
All members are expected to abide by this code of conduct, which is in place to ensure the safety of all members and ensure that the integrity of the Club is upheld at all times.
- All Gerrans Bay Rowing Club members should be committed to the well-being and safety of all. Always adopt a ‘safety first’ attitude and follow instructions particularly on the water. Any behaviour deemed to be unsafe, may result in disciplinary action being taken.
- Members will be expected to demonstrate proper standards of behaviour, language, and manner, when rowing at the club. Please show consideration and avoid causing offence through language or actions which may bring yourself, the club and the sport of Cornish pilot gig rowing in to disrepute.
- Any member may be subject to disciplinary action, for cause, upon completion of due process. “Cause” shall include (but not be limited to);
- Failure to pay subscription fees.
- Breaking club rules.
- Engaging in, or encouraging conduct that harms the club.
- Wilful disregard for the club’s property.
- Bringing the club in to disrepute.
- Criminal conduct.
- Club assets are expensive and not easily replaced so please treat them with as much care as possible.
- Treat everyone with the same respect you would wish to receive – all members whatever their age, gender ethnicity or abilities, the public at large, spectators and all other people with whom we come into contact as Gerrans Bay Rowing Club members.
- Whenever possible arrive 15 mins before rowing time, to help launch the boat and equally be prepared to put the boat and associate kit away again after your row.
- Wear suitable clothes/shoes at each session and be prepared to get wet when launching and landing.
- If your crew is next to go out, be there when the boat comes in and be ready to assist.
- Any rower unable to swim 50 meters unaided/independently will wear a buoyancy aid whilst in the boat.
- The Coxswain is in charge from when rowers show up for the scheduled row time, and decides assigning of positions and assesses weather and rowing conditions. He/She is responsible for adherence to Club policies and GBRC rules.
- Rowers must concentrate and listen to the coxswain, being prepared to execute all commands as soon as possible. If you cannot hear, please tell the Cox.
- The boat can only be launched with a competent coxswain in attendance (full list of coxswains below)
- All trainee coxes must have an experienced Cox in the boat or nearby on the water when they go out in the gig.
- Rowing at night is not permitted. It is both the coxes and crews responsibility to ensure the boat is out of the water and on the trailer safely twenty minutes after published sunset time, and not on the water twenty minutes before published sunrise time.
- Life jackets/PFD’s and means of communication (radio) should be in every gig that goes out on the water. The Coxswain is responsible for the radio at all times.
- The Cox decides, upon reviewing the level of the rowers signed up and the latest reviewed wind conditions, whether to proceed with the row or cancel. Rowers must respect the decision made.